15 Best Toning Exercises to Tighten the Loose Muscles and Skin after Weight Loss

Huge congratulations to you if you have been successful in your weight loss efforts and have finally achieved your target weight after losing substantial fat within a short span of time. But the sad truth is that your hard times are not entirely over yet. Because one of the biggest problems that most people face after undergoing rapid weight loss is sagging and wobbly skin and loose muscles that give a strange flabby and out-of-shape appearance even after weight loss. But you can successfully deal with the problems of loose muscles and extra skin with the help of powerful toning exercises that target all the important body parts such as upper arms, forearms, thighs, butt and upper and lower abdomen.

15 Amazing Toning Exercises to Tighten Loose Muscles of the Arms, Thighs, and Abdomen

These specially selected toning exercises helps to increase the layer of lean muscles underneath the skin which helps to provide a toner and tighter appearance to the skin as well as the loose muscles.

Top 5 Arm Toning Exercises to Tone Loose Muscles Post Weight Loss

Having loose muscles and skin on the upper arms and forearms is a major side-effect of weight loss and the best way to cope with wobbly and jiggly arms is through muscle tone exercises for arms that tighten the muscles and improves arm and upper body strength. The most important muscles that need to be toned are the biceps and the triceps.

Sideways Floor Push

Add an interesting and effective twist to the classic push-ups with the Sideways Floor Push exercises that specifically targets the triceps and help to tighten and strengthen them after substantial weight loss. It is one of the best arm toning exercises that show effective result in the case of both men and women.

Lie sideways on a mat on your left side with your left leg bent slightly behind and your right leg extended forward diagonally from your hip. Hold your waist with your left arm and place your right hand on the mat near the left shoulder for support. Now, in this position try to push your body up from the floor by pushing through your right arm then lower the body to complete the repetition. Do 20 repetitions on each side.

Crab Sit with Dip

This is yet another innovative variation of the classic dips exercises that can be done on the floor itself and does not require any equipment. It targets all the muscles of the triceps, even the small ones and helps you to achieve lean and toned arms in no time. It is one of the functional toning exercises for women that do not put too much stress on the body.

Sit on the floor with your legs bend at the knees and feet placed shoulder width apart in front. Keep your hands behind you on the mat exactly beneath the shoulders with fingers facing forward. Now, lift your hips up from the floor by pushing through your arms, keep your hips raised from the floor and bend your arms slightly and again extend your arms straight to complete the repetition. Your hip should stay fixed, and the movement should come from your arms. Repeat the up and down movement 20 times at a time.

Reverse Curls

This is one of the time-tested arm toning exercises using dumbbells that not only helps to strengthen and tone the sagging muscles after weight loss but also helps to tone excess skin after weight loss. It can be done using either free weights or barbells and the movement specifically targets the biceps.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding 5 to 8-pound dumbbells in each hand maintaining them in front of your thighs, palms facing in. Now, curl both the hands and bring them close to your shoulders without bending the wrists and then lower them back to complete the repetition. Do 2 sets of 20 repetitions to get the real burn in the arms.


This is the classic arm toning workout that holds an important place in almost all types of workout schedules. But you can increase the difficulty level of the dips by converting it into a stability ball exercise. It is one of the power-packed toning exercises for men that give quick results.

Rest the heels of your hands on the edge of a chair or bench; keep your back straight and place your legs on the top of a stability ball. Now, lower yourself down towards the floor while keeping your butt close to the bench and your shoulder blades back. Do 15 to 20 dips at a time to generate the burn in the biceps and triceps.

Get Up Planks

Planks are considered one of the best body toning exercises that help in working almost all the important muscles of the body at the same time. It not only helps in strengthen the core but also tones the arm, back and shoulder muscles. The Get UP Plank is a simple and effective variation of the classic plank that can be done by people of all ages.

Begin in a side plank position with once leg over the other and knees bent. Hold a small water bottle in your right hand and keep the right elbow bent so the weight is resting on the forearm. Now, lift your hips off the floor so that the body is in a straight line from the knees to the shoulder and extent the water bottle up towards the ceiling and then slowly lower it back to the initial position. Do 10 repetitions on one side and then switch to the other side.

Top 5 Leg Toning Exercises to Tone Loose Muscles Post Weight Loss

The inner thighs are one of the worst problem areas where all the flab gets deposited after rapid weight loss. But here are some useful muscles toning exercises that can help you to strengthen the leg muscles and get rid of the flabby skin on the inner thighs. The most important muscles to train in this case are the adductor muscles – the largest group of muscles along the inner things consisting of the adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, adductor minimus, pectineus, gracilis and obturator externus muscles which span from the hip to the knee.

Barbell Step Up

The Step Up is a vital strength training exercise that is often included in training programs for runners and sprinters because it helps to tone and strengthen the adductors, quads, and glutes. Step Up is undoubtedly one of the best leg toning exercises you can do for your legs. The barbell step up is a simple variation of the classic step up which is done using free weights.

Stand in front of a bench with your feet placed shoulder width apart. Position the barbell such that it rests at the back of the shoulders, hands grasping the bar, spaced slightly wide that shoulder width and palms facing forward. Now, step onto the bench with your right foot, followed by your left while keeping your head aligned with your spine and upper body engaged. Step down first with your left foot and then right foot and return to the starting position. Continue for 30 repetitions alternating the leading foot.

Lying Leg Press

The leg press is one of the functional leg muscle toning exercises that is also one of the best ways to tighten skin after weight loss. This particular exercise targets multiple muscle groups at a time including the quads and adductors and helps to tighten the loose skin and flab present on the inner thighs.

Begin by lying on your back on a leg press machine with the knees bent and feet placed flat on the platform. Grab the handles at your sides and push the platform away from your body by stretching the hips and legs. Straighten the legs all the way without locking the knees and then bend the knees and come back to the starting position. Do 15 repetitions at a time.

Barbell Hack Squat

The hack squat is one of the useful muscle toning exercises at home that targets almost all the muscles of the lower body but mainly focuses on the inner thighs and quads making it a vital exercise for toning loose muscles and skin of the leg region.

Keep a barbell placed directly behind you on the floor and stand straight with arms extended at your sides and feet placed shoulder-width apart. Now, lower your body to a squatting position and grab the barbell with both hands placed a bit wider than shoulder width apart. Come back to the standing position by pushing up off your heels with the barbell resting at the back of the thighs. Hold on to the barbell and do 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

Lever Seated Hip Adduction

This is another powerful strength training and toning exercise that targets the hip adductor muscles. This exercise can be performed in the gym using a weight machine.

Sit on the weight machine with your back resting on the back pad and legs on the padded levers, feet straight. Now, grab the handles at your sides with palms facing in and use the strength of your upper legs to push the levers until they touch. Come back to the starting position to complete one repetition. Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions to feel the burn in your adductors.

Lunges with Dumbbells

Lunges are considered one of the best core strengthening exercises that help to train the entire body and it is especially beneficial for toning the muscles of the thighs and stretching the entire leg from the kneecaps to the shins. You can notch up the difficulty level of this exercise by holding a pair dumbbell.

Stand with your feet placed hip-width apart holding a 5 to 8-pound dumbbell in each hand. Lunge forward using your left leg so that your right knee is positioned just and inch above the ground. Keep your torso straight and weight evenly distributed between both legs. Maintain the knee aligned with the front ankle resting the weight on the heels rather than the toes. Come back to the standing position and lunge forward with the right leg. Continue the lunges for 30 seconds by switching sides.

Top 5 Abs Toning Exercises to Tone the Sagging Tummy Post Weight Loss

Significant weight loss can also lead to sagging of the abdominal muscles along with extra loose skin around the mid-section, and this belly jiggle is really difficult to get rid of. Here are a few effective ab toning exercises which you can to tighten and strengthen the abdominal muscles and get rid of the extra skin in no time.

Air Biking

Air biking is a fun and easy solution to the problem of how to get rid of loose skin after weight loss and tone the flabby tummy. This exercise is done lying on your back.

Rest your hands behind your head with the elbows bent and the knees pulled slightly towards you. Curl your shoulders off the floor by using your abs and do a cycling movement by pulling your right elbow to your left knee until they are almost touching and then pulling your left elbow to your right knee. Continue the alternating right to left and left to right movement till you feel the burn in your abs.

Straight Arm Crunches

Crunches are the most effective exercises for toning your abdomen, and it is often included in tummy toning exercises routine. This specific crunch exercise helps to tone the upper abs and can be done with a dumbbell in order to make it more challenging.

Lie flat on the floor with the legs raised up at a 90-degree angle from the floor and arms straight or holding a dumbbell. Now, curl your shoulder and upper back off the floor using the abs while pulling the arms up towards the ceiling. Hold this posture for 2 to 3 seconds and then slowly lower the shoulders back to the floor. Remember to keep your arms straight and legs up at all times throughout the exercise.

Side Bridges

One of the most neglected muscle groups of the abdomen are the oblique muscle located at the side of the abdomen. It is necessary to work the oblique muscles as well in order to tone the tummy in an effective manner. The Side Bridge exercise specifically targets the neglected oblique muscles.

Lie down on your side resting your body weight on your elbow and forearm and raise your mid-section off the floor until the torso and legs form a straight line sloping upwards. Just hold this position for as long as you can on order to tone your abs in a successful manner. Come back to the starting position and repeat the same on the other side.

Pelvic Thrust Exercises

Pelvic thrust exercises are one of the effective, time-tested tummy toning exercises that work the core muscles such as glutes, hamstrings, lower back muscles, lower abdominal muscles and the muscles of the pelvic floor. The pelvic thrust is a simple an easy exercise and requires minimal equipment.

Lie down on the floor with your legs raised up in the air at 90 degrees from the floor. Now, gradually lift your pelvis off the floor and upward by using the lower abdominal muscles and then lower yourself back to the floor to complete 1 repetition. Do 10 to 15 repetitions at a time to experience the burn in the lower abdomen.

Lying Leg Raises

Leg raises are considered one of the functional tummy toning exercises that show quick results. It also helps to tone and tighten the gassing skin around the lower abdominal muscles.

Lie down flat on the floor with your legs extended straight and up in the air forming a 90-degree angle with the floor. Keep your legs as straight as possible and slowly lower them in the front until they are almost touching the floor and then lift them back to the starting position to complete 1 repetition. Do 10 to 15 repetitions at a time.

So, forget about cosmetic surgery and get rid of extra skin and flab and tone those loose muscles with the help of effective toning exercises for the entire body.

15 Best Toning Exercises to Tighten the Loose Muscles and Skin after Weight Loss was last modified: April 27th, 2018 by
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