8 Popular CrossFit Workouts at Home for Fast Weight Loss

CrossFit is a training program that helps you to build up your strength and endurance with the help of workouts which challenge you to the extreme. Each day the workout will challenge you, helping you to do workouts for fast weight loss; since you work out a different part of your body and test your functional strength. CrossFit doesn’t concentrate on working out only one part of your body, and is designed with the intention of building a body that can do wonders, which does not get bound by shackles like “I can’t do this”. It changes your mindset enough for you to say “I can do this.”

Cross Fit is a 180-degree turnaround from your regular gym, and the reason is not just because you cannot find the ubiquitous elliptical, weight machines, or aerobic classes but because the regime is much, much more than your mundane gym routines. Now if that has piqued your interest, read on!

Are you Fit for Cross-Fit?

The best part of cross fit is that it can be tailor-made to suit anyone. No matter if you are a newbie or someone who’s at the peak level of his/her fitness levels, cross fit can be moulded according to your skill and stamina. For example, if you are not very comfortable doing lunges with weights, you can skip the weights and do the movement according to your comfort. It is the same with people who are injured and need some changes. You gradually build up your strength and try and reach the ideal levels.

You might be rubbing your hands in glee at the thought of starting a new workout, but before you do, you should stand back and find out whether it indeed is the best workout for you, or the best way to lose weight. Find out who are the ones who can go for cross fit without an iota of doubt in their minds.

  • Newbie to the world of weight-training– If you have never tried weight training before or only depended on machines, Cross Fit is where you should start. With a good instructor pepping you up and motivating you, you will have a great environment to do the exercises. Who knows, you might fall in love with the exercises you abhorred before.
  • People working out together in a community– This is what sets it apart from other exercises, as it bolsters the feeling of community and bonhomie.  You’re not merely a member of the gym, but a part of the community, and the instructor is empathetic to your problems and will help you overcome them. 
  • Fitness freaks–There are some people out there who feel rotten if they skip their daily exercise regime. To all those out there, you can include Cross-fit, as the way Cross Fit is structured; you will be able to work out with regular frequency.  The general rule is 3 days on, 1 day off but many fitness freaks make it a point to do cross-fit daily, and some people bitten by the bug can even exercise twice a day, it’s an addiction which is hard to beat. 
  • For those who can take the pain– Cross-fit is a type of exercise which is not really easy, and sometimes it is really tough going through all the moves.  This means that you’ll often be in situations where you have to give your best to complete a circuit, which is energy draining and hence you end up exhausting yourself, and forcing yourself through the entire procedure can cause you varying amounts of pain.

Some Cross Fit Moves you can do at Home

To become a pro you need to learn the moves and get them right. If your form is not correct, all your pain and sweat will go down the drain. You might be looking for quick weight loss but your workouts won’t prove to be as effective.

Air Squats

Squatting is a fundamental movement that focuses on your entire lower body, giving importance to your glutes, hamstrings, calves, quads, and core.

Doing it right: Start your exercise by widening your feet a little more than hip-width apart. Keep your core steady and tight. With your weight balanced on your heels, lower your glutes back and down as you raise your arms before you balance it out. If you are flexible, you can go lower than thighs parallel to the floor. Bring your knees out the entire time and try and tighten legs to activate your glutes. Stand up straight to reach full hip extension while you keep your torso lifted and repeat the movement.

Barbell Thruster

This exercise is a killer as it hits every muscle group in the body. You name it, and the exercise has a positive effect on the muscle group. It is a complete body conditioning exercise that helps cut body fat due to the massive energy expenditure. The core demand from the thruster also fires up your abdominal region, thus helping to sculpt out the midsection and get closer to your targeted goal of getting to the desired six-pack. But of course, you cannot forget your diet and cardio as it is the fastest way to lose weight. A good way to get acquainted with the thruster (which can also be done with dumbbells) is to put the load on the bar up with your 8-12 rep maxes and perform 3-4 sets after completing a shoulder or leg workout and repeat it.

Doing it right: Start with a loaded barbell, with any weight you see is fit for you. If you are doing a typical Cross Fit workout, you will use 65-95 pounds. Clean the bar up to the front rack position (across the chest and shoulders). Ensure that you keep your elbows up high as you squat down below parallel. Your feet should be about shoulder-width apart with your toes pointed out 10-30 degrees. As you front squat through to the top position, press the bar above the head with force. Without a break at the top, lower the bar back down to the front rack position and repeat. This exercise is tailor- made to do fast, so don’t slow down. 

Jumping Squats

When you have mastered the squat, try and push it to the advanced level. Though it is similar to air squats, it is done with a lot more force and power.

Doing it right: You will start with your feet a little wider than hip-width apart. With your belly-button in and core tight and weight in your heels, lower down your glutes back and down as you raise your arms behind you. When you hit the bottom of your squat, drive your arms up and jump up into the air with force. Land with your knees bent and land soft, to cushion your joints and prepare yourself for the next rep. remember to keep your knees out and do not let them buckle in. This move is great for your glutes, hamstrings, calves, quads and core. Do this to ensure quick weight loss.

The Overhead Kettlebell

Kettlebell swing is not only a fantastic exercise for fat loss and conditioning, the hamstrings and glutes get a pretty neat workout too. Since most glutes and hamstring exercises don’t have an explosive quotient, you do impact some muscle fibers that traditional strength exercises do not influence. If you want to improve your glutes-ham tie-in, the overhead kettle ball swing will do the trick. Try 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps.  Doing this exercise is one of the fastest way to lose weight.

Doing it right: Many fitness instructors use the traditional “Russian” style kettle ball swing where the weight comes to a point at, or just above, parallel to the floor. But the overhead kettlebell swing has been a part of the Cross Fit community. Start with the kettlebell; take the 35-54 pounds about 8-12 inches in front of you on the ground. Move forward as if you were trying to perform a deadlift and grab onto the bell by the horns. Swing the kettlebell between your legs while keeping it high and tight. Thrust your hips with force to push the ball forward and above your head, your arms perpendicular to the floor. Make sure not to hurt your lower back by squeezing your glutes and abdominals. Make sure the kettlebell goes behind the head for a complete rep. Then, return the bell back between the legs with control and repeat. 

Pistol Squats

This advanced move is a different version of the regular squat, except it is performed on one leg.

Doing it right: With your weight on your left heel, lift your right leg up in the air and balance well by holding on to the right foot. Slowly move down, driving your butt back and down. Since this is a great workout to maintain your balance, mobility and stabilizer muscles, you can bank upon a few modifications by not going very deep or holding on to something while squatting down. This challenges the glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves; but it is essential you do it on both legs.

Box Jumps

How to lose weight quickly? Well, by doing the box jump! The box jump isn’t very new as it has been used by athletes and Cross Fitters for years together, but it definitely features in an athlete’s workout regime. Explosive movements are great to excite the central nervous system, thus improving lifters’ neural output during their strength training program. Give your lifting session more power by giving more importance to your form. Try three sets of five reps before reaching out for the weights.

Doing it right: These can be done on any safe surface 12-36 inches high, but a plyometric box will work the best.  Increase your height according to your ability. Start with 12 inches and progress from there.  Assume an athletic stance; move forward while bringing your arms behind you. Move your hips and swing your arms forward and jump as high as you can onto the box. Land softly on two feet in a squat stance with your knees just above parallel. Stand up tall before your jump or step back down off the box and repeat for reps.

Front Plank

Though it is a stationary move, it works most muscles, like your abdominals and lats.

Doing it right: Place your forearms on the ground, palms facing down. Hold the rest of your body in a push-up position with your body in a straight line. Contract your abdominals while activating your lats (muscles across your upper back) and keep your elbows on the ground to activate the muscles. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute. This is known as the elbow plank or the front plank.


It is one of the most dreaded but also one of the most effective exercises. It can torch a huge number of calories, and can have you dripping in sweat. Burpees work most of your muscles and is quite a great workout in itself. 

Doing it right: Begin in a standing position. Drop into a squat with your hands on the floor and then kick your feet back until you’re in a push-up position. Quickly return your feet to the start, then jump up, aiming to catch 6-12 inches of air while you bring your hands over your head. Land softly and immediately repeat the steps.

If you are really trying hard to lose weight and your sprint on the treadmill or huffing and puffing on the elliptical is not working, it is time to give cross fit a dekko. Trust me, your workout regime is never going to be the same again. This, coupled with a nutritious diet will surely help you shed those extra kilos and look great. Follow these weight loss tips and you will be good to go!

8 Popular CrossFit Workouts at Home for Fast Weight Loss was last modified: March 23rd, 2018 by
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