How Fitness Boot Camps help to Lose Weight and Results in Effective Fat Loss

Every once in a while, a fitness fad hits us and we get hooked for a couple of days before the enthusiasm sort of fizzles out. But there are a few options which not only stay with you but also transform your body and help you reach your fitness goals. Like a boot camp! So what is a weight loss boot camp? Stay with us, to know more about this fitness regime.

A fitness boot camp is a type of group exercise class that blends in traditional callisthenic and body weight exercises with the benefits of interval training and strength training.  There are a myriad of styles of fitness boot camps, which resemble a military boot camp where you have got to strive hard and push yourself like never before, and your fitness instructor ensures that you keep up and that you give your hundred percent . The typical fitness boot camp is done outdoors, but it can also be done inside a gym so that you don’t shield behind bad weather as an excuse to skip your workout.

You have to know that you will sprint in the wee hours of the morning, do a few quality exercises and practice a lot of plyometric moves with only a few intervals to catch your breath. If it sounds difficult, it is exactly that! These fitness classes have risen in popularity over the years mostly because they offer a new way to get a workout and not use any fancy equipment. It is very effective and you get quick results if you put in your heart and soul into it. It is not everybody’s cup of tea though, not for those people who take it easy and think a workout is a walk in the park. A boot camp is designed to make you sweat, and you have to do just that!

The Essentials of a Good Boot Camp

So if you are hooked for good and would like to know more about this intense workout, the following points can throw some light on boot camps. What is the standard protocol for this kind of exercise routine?

A few of the salient features of a boot camp are the following:

  • It usually comprises of a small group.
  • Takes spacious area like a park or similar.
  • Each session starts with a warm up for about 10 mins or so.
  • The workouts last for about thirty to forty minutes and the following exercises make up this knockout workout:
  1. Pushups
  2. Plyometric exercises.
  3. Interval-training.
  4. Speed-training with sprints.
  5. Squat thrusts with burpees.
  6. Jumping lunges.
  7. Building core strength.
  8. Training with a partner.
  9. Hurdle courses.
  10. Cool down exercises with stretching.

Fitness Boot Camp Styles and Variations

One underlying feature of a good fitness boot camp class is inciting in you a spirit of teamwork and a feeling of togetherness and unity.  There are a few boot camps which cater to particular goals. Before joining a camp, you need to know whether it suits your purpose, which is either weight loss, fat loss, building stamina or just getting fit in general.

General fitness

  • Boot camps which are sports specific such as ski prep, running, bicycling, soccer
  • Boot camps which are tailor made for women.
  • Kids centric  fitness boot camp
  • Weight loss boot camps
  • There are even boot camps for brides to reach target goals.

Many people are scared at the thought of joining a boot camp and are intimidated at the thought of being guided by an instructor who will be merciless. In reality though, the fitness instructors are encouraging and will help you reach your goals by motivating you to push the envelope. Many fitness instructors incorporate concepts from mind-body training, include poses from yoga and end with a bit of visualization training or meditation to make your boot camp training interesting and less threatening.

Getting Started with Boot Camp Exercises:

You can start your boot camp sessions or weight loss camps for adults right within the confines of your home. Get prepared to sweat hard and keep your glass of H2O right next to you so that you stay hydrated during your sweat sessions.

Workout No 1

5-minute high knees

Circuit 1:

  • 25 sumo squats
  • 15 knee pushups
  • 30 jumping jacks
  • repeat three times

Circuit 2:

  • 10-15 squat kicks
  • 10-15 alternating forward lunges per leg
  • 20 leg kicks
  • Repeat three times.

Circuit 3:

  • 1-minute sprint or 1-minute jump rope
  • 1-minute plank position
  • Repeat three times.

Workout No 2

Circuit 1:

  • 25 squats
  • 10 rock star jumps
  • 10 squat thrusts with pushup
  • 10 side-to-side lunges per leg
  • 10 grasshoppers

Repeat two times

Circuit 2:

  • 1-minute squat hold
  • 15 inchworms
  • 10 suicide push
  • 15 split lunges

Repeat two times

Circuit 3:

  • Wind sprints: Run as fast as you can for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Then jog back to your starting point.
    Repeat this as many times as you can for 10 minutes.

Workout No 3

5-minute warm-up jog or jump rope

Circuit 1:

  • 25 split jumps
  • 25 high knees per legs
  • 15 squat thrusts with pushup
  • Repeat five times

Circuit 2:

  • Side-to-side lunges: 15 per leg
  • 20 burpees
  • Repeat two times
  • Circuit 3:
  • 20 V-ups
  • 20 sit-ups

Repeat four times

Learn the Exercises

Before you get down on your hands to do the pushup, remember you need to get your form correct so that you don’t injure yourself in the process. Don’t forget to warm up before your exercises; otherwise there is ample chance of getting injured. Warm up right, do your cool down exercises and you are sure to benefit.

Split Jumps

From a standing position, lower your body into a split squat. Quickly switch sides and jump with sufficient force to propel both feet off the floor. Repeat, alternating back and forth with each repetition.

High Knees

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Without changing your posture, raise your left knee as high as you can and step forward. Repeat with your right leg. Continue to alternate back and forth.

Squat Thrusts with Push-ups

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body as deep as you can into a squat. Kick your legs backward, so that you’re now in a pushup position. Complete a pushup. Then quickly bring your legs back to the squat position. Stand up quickly and repeat the procedure.

Side to Side Lunges

Stand with your feet set about twice shoulder-width apart, your feet facing straight ahead.  Hold your hands in front of your chest.  Balance your weight over to your right leg as you push your hips backward and lower your body by dropping your hips and bending your knees. Your lower right leg should remain perpendicular to the floor, as much as you can. Your left foot should remain flat on the floor. Without raising yourself back up to a standing position, reverse the movement to the left. Change positions from back to forth.


Stand tall with your legs straight, bend over and touch the floor. Stand straight, lower your hands and while shifting your weight on your hands, try and walk your hands forward. Then go back to your previous position and take small steps to walk your feet back to your hands. That’s one repetition.


Lie face up on the floor with your legs and arms straight. Hold your arms straight above the top of your head. In one movement, simultaneously lift your torso and legs as if you’re trying to touch your toes. Lower your body back to the starting position.

Sit Ups

Lie face up on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat. Raise your torso to a sitting position. The movement should be fluid, not jerky—if it’s the latter, you need to use a variation that’s easier. Slowly lower your torso back to the starting position. Include this for your boot camp training.

Sumo Squats

Stand in a wide stance. Your toes should be at a 45-degree angle. Take hold of a heavy kettlebell or a dumbbell in both hands. Keep the upper body pin straight. Now, bend the knees into a squat slowly. Lower yourself as far as you are comfortable but ensure  that your knees are parallel with the toes. Push into your heels as you bring yourself up to the starting position.


Get in a standard push-up position, swing your right leg up underneath while kicking your foot out. Then swing it back and bring it to the starting position. Then repeat on the opposite side.

Suicide Pushup

Start by getting into a plank position on your forearms and toes. Lift your right arm and come up on your right hand, then lift your left arm and come up on your left hand, this is a full push up position. Change position immediately, lower your right arm back to the start position followed by your left arm. Keep your abs tight throughout the whole exercise. On the next rep come up on your left side first and keep switching with each rep. You can also repeat the same pattern for a few reps and then switch or change it up on the next set.  To change this exercise to an easier version you can rest on your knees instead of your toes.  Just make sure that your butt is down and your body is straight. This is a great move for your boot camp training.


Bend over or squat down, and place your hands on the floor in front of you, just outside of your feet. Jump both feet back so that you’re now in plank position. If you find this difficult walk your legs back. Drop to a push-up, your chest should inch as close to the floor as possible. You can also drop to your knees here, which makes the impending push-up easier. Get back to return to plank position and jump the feet back in toward the hands. Explosively jump into the air, reaching your arms straight overhead.

Rockstar Jumps

Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself down into a squat position, bending at the knees. From this position, jump upwards with great force. While in mid-air, propel your heels towards your backside. The objective is for your heels to actually make contact with your behind. You must ensure your jump is high enough to allow you to return your feet to their original position on your way back down.

With a little bit of innovation, you can make your own boot camp fitness program, if you learn these moves. If you put in a little bit of diligence and stay motivated, the result can be well worth it. So try and incorporate all these moves and keep pushing yourself to build your endurance and power. If you have reached a plateau in your weight loss journey or trying hard to lose weight without much success, boot camps may be just the thing you need to amp your fitness levels. Try it and you will never be too far away from your fitness goals.

How Fitness Boot Camps help to Lose Weight and Results in Effective Fat Loss was last modified: May 2nd, 2018 by
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