8 Best Pop Physique Exercises to Lose Weight Instantly

You might be one of those gym fanatics who love to work out every day. You break into a run every morning, or maybe like to do Surya Namaskars early in the morning in the garden. Yes, these are the regular workouts most people like to do. But sometimes sameness hits in and you look for something, which could break the monotony and give your workouts a fresh lease of life.

If you, like us, feel that we need to break the mundane pattern and bring in a zesty flavour in the form of a workout like pop physique, we are sure you would be as pleased as punch. Because looking forward to a new workout every day gives you a certain ardour and freshness to tide over a hectic and stressful day. So if you are wondering how to lose weight? Pop Physique might be the answer.

The name itself sounds interesting. It is basically an hour long ballet and barre-based class. The objective of this dance based workout is to create lean long  lines and tight compact muscles. Now isn’t that we all want? Pop Physique originates from the chic lotte berk concept which emerged in the 50’s.

Pop physique is a modernised version of this chic workout. Lotte was actually a dancer who created a fun concept of merging dance with exercise which promised to yield quick results. It is touted to be not just exercise but art. Art-based exercise, now that should pique the interest of most, we’re sure!

Sculpt and Shape your Body

Close your eyes. Go ahead, do it! Do you envision your body to be in perfect shape? Pop physique manages to do just that! In fact, you can be of any size; these workouts can bring about a fun element in your fitness regimes, and effectively answers the question of how to lose belly fat. You can do it every day and it will fetch you rich dividends. The amalgamation of strength exercises followed by deep stretches is what helps a person to push through intense exercises.

In a standard class, the workout session starts with a warm-up for the whole body that incorporates planks and pushups. Then it moves towards light weights to tone the torso and then progresses towards the ballet Barre for intense stretching and works out the thighs and butt for a complete workout.

The muscles in the abdomen are given a great workout throughout the entire class with a specific focus on breath control. The finale of the workouts includes a focused section for the abs and is completed with another butt exercise and a nice stretch.

Your Expectations from a Pop Physique Class

The moves are inspired by Barre, so if you are familiar with the drifts of a Barre class then you will pick up the basic moves of tucking your pelvis under, tightening your core and staying in positions until you hit the fatigue button. It is, in fact, the best exercise to lose weight. You will definitely sweat and you will have to work hard. With those innumerable isometric pulses, you will surely feel the burn.

The loud techno music blasting in the background will add to a Pop Physique class and help you to keep moving and pulsing for an entire hour, with bright coloured props for company.

The Intensity of the Exercises

At first, it seems a little difficult, but you soon get into the groove and get the hang of the entire workout. Anyone could do this workout, but you will be much better off if you have already done an introductory Barre class before attempting the advanced level one. The Barre instructor gives excellent tips and coerces people to follow him/her. The best part is that you absolutely have no inkling as to what follows, and so you hardly have the déjà vu feeling.

In other words, each workout will feel and seem different, giving you the interest and the excitement of doing a different workout every day. If we do compare, pop physique classes are a little more challenging than pure Barre classes but cardio Barre classes are much more intense than pop physique, they are a good option for exercise for weight loss.

However, the pop physique classes are each different from the other Barre classes, so you simply cannot generalize and you need to visit different Barre classes to get a lowdown of pop physique and which one suits you the best.

The Pop Physique Workout

The focus of these workouts is to emphasize on your breath and your posture. There is a particular way to maintain your posture, which is lifting up your abs and back muscles. Also, cinch your belly button towards your spine; this has to be maintained for the entire length of your workout.

Not only does this workout tighten your core muscles, but also lifts your butt, sculpting it the way you want it. You’ll need a prop in the form of a small, softball for four of the six moves. If you cannot hold your hands on to a typical pop physique ball, get a small pliable ball or a towel. By holding the prop between your thighs or pushing it behind your knee, you have to squeeze your legs to keep it in place, which stimulates muscles that otherwise won’t be utilized in the moves. It kind of helps tone your entire body.

The results of weight loss workouts are rather startling, your posture changes, you walk tall, and your clothes fit much better. Skinny jeans, here I come!

1. Plie’ Bend

Do this routine three days a week; and repeat this physique exercise three times to get the worth of your efforts. Sculpt your abs and watch them get tight. It takes about 15 mins to nail this workout. All you will need is a Pilate’s ball.

Hold the ball and stand with feet wide and toes turned out 45 degrees. Raise ball overhead, squat, and lift left heel to start. Keep your arms straight and bend your torso toward left, reaching the ball over the knee. Slowly pulse ball up 2 inches and down 2 inches. Do on the other side as well. Do three sets and repeat ten times.

2. ObliqueTilt

Another ab sculpting move. You will feel the burn on your obliques and a nice stretch. Give it a try and ladies, you will be crop top ready!
Hold the ball, and stand with your heels together and toes turned out 45 degrees. Bend your right knee, drawing your foot towards your butt, and place the ball behind your right knee (squeeze the ball tightly); point your toes, and bring your fingertips behind head with elbows bent out to the side to start. Move your torso toward the right as you raise right knee out to the side, drawing your elbow towards your knee. Slowly pulse your knee up 2 inches and down 2 inches. Switch on to the other side; repeat the move.

One set consists of 10 repetitions.

3. Slow Punches

This move looks simple, but when done the right way, is difficult. Try and complete the repetitions and give yourself a mean workout which results in quick weight loss.

Sit on the floor with knees bent and ball pressed between thighs, holding backs of thighs with elbows bent out to sides. Round the lower back, tuck your pelvis, and squeeze your glutes and inner thighs to start. Slowly extend your left arm forward, rotating fist palm down at eye level. Switch sides; repeat.

One set consists of 10 repetitions.

4. Back Dancing

If your primary goal is to get a firm, lifted butt, then stop right here and do this workout.

Lying flat, place your feet flat on the floor at hips distance, ankles in alignment with your knees (knees should be bent). Place your pelvis under, by lifting your hip bones toward your chest/rib bones. Tighten your glutes together as tightly as possible. Start to tuck your pelvis over and over in a pulsing tempo, don’t keep your butt on the floor, just keep your seat just off the floor. Keep repeating for 2-3 minutes.

5. Flat Back

If your main goal is to get flat abs, then this exercise is just the one for you. Remember that you need to focus on your breath, so that you get a really effective workout.

Lie down flat on your back, arms by your sides and palms pressing into the floor; bring your legs to a table-top position (knees in line with hips, shins parallel to the floor). Begin to exhale powerfully, your core tight, pulling your abs into the spine.  Straighten legs directly above hips, with toes pointing. Begin tiny pulses of your hips, moved by sharp exhales. Only move legs straight up and down, don’t rock them backwards.  Repeat in 1-minute intervals.

6. Lift it Up

This is a tricky move and you need to focus on the balance and feel the burn on your booty.

Step your left foot forward and your right foot behind you, slightly spread out (your feet should be about 3ft apart). You will have a deep bend in the front knee; while the back knee is completely straight. Keep your left hand on your thigh and hinge your chest forward, flat back. Reach your right arm straight behind you, shoulders square. Point your right toes; lift the right leg off the floor several inches.

Start by holding tight your right leg up and up. The squeeze to lift the leg has to come from the base of your seat. Repeat 10 times. Reach your left arm straight to take the move to the advanced level. Keep lifting 10 times to finish. Come down. Repeat on the left side.

7. On your Fours

How to reduce weight? Well, isn’t that the question everyone is asking. This booty burning workout kind of answers that. It tightens your muscles in the best way possible.

Come down to your fours, palms under shoulders and knees under hips. Tuck your pelvis, squeeze your seat and bring your belly button in. Straighten your right leg and point your toes. Without arching the back, try and squeeze the leg up to hip height. Do tiny pulses of the leg, up and up, while keeping the pelvis tight and seat squeezed. Lift 16 times. Re-tuck your pelvis. Flex the foot, toes pointing down towards the floor. Take a micro bend in the knee, lengthen the leg. Repeat 12 times.

8. Back Dancing

This exercise will warm up the body, give your seat a nice burn, and also works on your abs, arms, and thighs.

Lie flat on your back, knees bent, and feet hip-width in parallel. Bend your arms, putting your elbows on the ground. Lift your pelvis and bring it off the ground while squeezing your glutes together. Extend your right leg straight up in the air. Tuck your pelvis, up and up and up, squeezing both cheeks together, keeping the top leg straight. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Come up on the toes of the left foot lower the right leg to 45 degrees, pulling your knees tight and inner thighs tightly together. Lift up and up and up to finish, about 30 seconds. Roll down and repeat on the other side.

So pop physique is the way to go! It is counted as one of the best exercises to lose weight. Done three to four times a week, you can get great results. You can sculpt and shape your dream body, but it really needs your perseverance and discipline. What sets it apart from the regular workout you have been doing till now, you ask? Well, it is the design, the branding; the music and the choreography that sets it apart.

Also, the curiosity factor is what is driving people in droves to their nearby pop physique studios. Yes, it is addictive, so try and give pop physique a chance, trust us, you won’t be disappointed!

8 Best Pop Physique Exercises to Lose Weight Instantly was last modified: August 9th, 2018 by
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