The 4 Best Love Handles Workouts to Blast away Tummy Fat and Flaunt a Lean Frame

Love handles are a source of concern for most people, and the extra subcutaneous fat is quite bothersome. Love handles do not have any major health risks like belly fat which is a precursor to chronic diseases like diabetes and liver disease. Nevertheless, it is important to resolve love handles as they are an unsightly and unwanted accumulation of fat. Some of the common remedies to lose love handles involve exercise workouts and the right diet.

How to Lose Love Handles Fast with the Right Fiber in Your Diet

Certain foods are known to prove efficacious in helping you lose love handles fast. Here’s how to lose handles fast with diet and nutrition choices that help you reap long-term benefits:

  • Oat bran is very rich in fiber. Oat bran fiber is even richer than regular oats with respect to your daily fiber consumption requirements. Precisely, oat bran can supply 18 grams of fiber and oatmeal supplies 8 grams of fiber in a typical breakfast cup. Besides, the protein supplied by oat bran is also much larger when compared to oatmeal (12 grams protein from oatmeal versus 20 grams protein from oat bran).

You can supplement your helping of oat bran with any of the availale healthy food choices to make a delicious recipe. Fresh fruits like strawberries, pomegranate, cherries, pumpkins, peaches, apples, bananas, figs, oranges, and blueberries blend well with the oat bran recipe of your choice. Carrot, vanilla, or fudge cakes with blended oat bran give a terrific head start for your day. Further, honey and lemon are delectable toppings. Other healthy super foods that combine with your oat bran breakfast include flax seeds, thyme.

  • Black Rice as a rich source of antioxidants, considerably reduces chances of inflammation and promotes the shedding of love handles. It also has very large quantities of Vitamin E and is abundant with fiber. Black rice can make an ideal breakfast when simmered for an hour with milk, almonds and coconut extract. Banana, coconut, and thyme make good combinations with black rice for a high energy breakfast to help you lose love handles fast.
  • Raspberries are rich sources of essential nutrients. Raspberries contain large quantities of fiber, even more than strawberries, and foster the growth and proliferation of healthy gut bacteria. Raspberries have ample antioxidants and Vitamin C. The insoluble fiber in raspberries brings down inflammation. They are also known to control the hormone that is responsible for hunger and promote the production of muscle-building protein. Raspberries can be eaten raw or combined with salad or oatmeal for breakfast. Raspberries also taste great in muffins, waffles, and cakes.

How to Lose Love Handles Fast with High Protein and Low Carbohydrate Foods

Low carbohydrate foods make you feel full of energy and vigor for a long time even after you have eaten them. Foods like sweet potatoes and black beans slow down the digestion to help your body attain the ideal metabolism.

  • Sweet potatoes positively impact the way the body deals with carbohydrates. The digestion process of sweet potatoes is much slower than regular potatoes. This means they supply energy to the body for an extended period of time. The energy utilization process does not make you feel hungry frequently and can contribute towards losing your love handles fast. Sweet potatoes with onions, mushrooms, ghee, kale, and eggs can be highly energy-boosting for breakfast.
  • Black Beans are another rich source of fiber and known to melt away love handles. Black bean is another popular choice for slowing down the digestion and metabolic process. Black beans give a full feeling for an extended period of time and initiate the fat burning process. Black beans are anti-fat foods with a rich supply of phytochemicals. Black beans are easy to serve for breakfast with a quick olive oil stir fry, topped with eggs or avocado. Garlic, pepper, and cumin are good seasonings for your black bean breakfast.

How to Lose Love Handles Fast with Fat Melting Foods

A few foods are known to melt down body fat and especially effective in losing the fat responsible for your love handles. Almonds, walnuts, and grapefruit are some of these foods.

  • Almonds contain fiber and Vitamin E and help melt away your love handles fast. Almonds keep your bad cholesterol levels under check and help reduce internal and external fat deposits. Almonds are therefore unmatched dietary sources that help you get rid of your love handles fast. In addition, regular consumption of almonds makes you less susceptible to heart attacks and stroke. Almonds go well with any of the energy-boosting breakfasts to help shed the extra kilos that make up your love handles.
  • Grapefruit is a well-known fruit which helps melt away body fat. The phytochemicals present in grapefruit are known to bring about the fat melting effect in a matter of weeks. However, grapefruit can be reactive to some medications.
  • Walnuts have multiple mechanisms to speed up the fat-melting mechanism for your love handles and fat deposits in general. Walnuts trigger genes that help curtail fat storage in your body and also positively impact the metabolism of insulin. In addition to helping melt your love handles, walnuts create a holistic effect to trigger the general healing mechanism of your body. Walnuts enable you to develop resistance to stress or hypertension in the long run.

Turn Regular Exercises into Ideal Workouts to Lose Love Handles

A number of regular exercises during your day can turn out to be ideal workouts to lose love handles. Simple exercises, when incorporated into a daily routine for a set period of time, can turn into a successful love handle workout, without the need for stressing yourself with tough exercise regimens at the gym. Here’s how to lose love handles fast with some simple exercises:

  • Freshen up and revive holistically by swimming for fifteen minutes per day and make it your favorite love handle workout.
  • Go biking in natural surroundings for 13-15 minutes and feel the difference in your love handles. As you continue day after day, you will start perceiving a visible difference in your body proportions as biking becomes your preferred love handle workout.
  • Use a skipping rope or join a dance class that helps melt love handles. You will have to set aside at least 15 or 20 minutes to see visible difference in a matter of weeks through skipping or dancing exercises.
  • Jogging, walking, and stair climbing can be equally impactful exercise regimens that will help you lose love handles fast when done consistently.

Top Four Exercises for Love Handles

You can include a few exercises for love handles as regular workout regimens. Here are some preferred workouts to lose love handles.

  1. Bicycle Crunches – Bicycle crunches are a popular love handle workout. Lay on your back with hands behind your head, and raise your legs about two feet above the ground. When you bend your left knee, bring it close to your head. Then twist your body to get your left elbow as close as possible to your right knee. To conclude, straighten your left leg. Continue this sequence with the other leg too and alternate for the next 15-20 minutes.
  2. Side Planks – Side planks are not just a love handle workout, but they also help your entire core. Start with a side plank position using your right elbow to support your body weight. Keep your body straight and let the other hand rest on your body. Repeat the position with the other hand and alternate after every 30 seconds.
  3. Straddle Forward Bend – Start with a block in your left hand and turn right while stepping your feet apart. Fold down at your waistline and place the block between your feet, under your left shoulder.  As you inhale, extend your right arm upward, look at your right hand, and turn your chest to the right. Repeat the sequence for the left arm too.
  4. Russian Twists – Sit on the ground with your feet bent and torso leaning at a 45-degree angle. Hold dumbbells in both hands. Cross your feet while lifting them from the ground, and balance yourself in this sitting position. First, twist your torso to your right side and let the dumbbell touch the ground by the side of your body. Next, twist to the other side with the other dumbbell and alternate this sequence for the next ten minutes.

Focused Fitness Regimens and Workouts to Lose Love Handles

Love handles generally do not respond to workouts targeted at your abdominal area. The muscles comprising love handles are located at the top of your Obliques and must be specifically targeted to help you lose your love handles. Obliques require gentle and gradual toning with the right holistic exercise regimen. Holistic weight loss techniques that can be carried out for about 30 minutes in a day, including yoga, pilates, and aerobics, can help you lose love handles with effective results.

  1. Full-Body Toning with Yoga – Yoga is one of the best fitness choices that helps achieve lean muscle holistically for the whole body. Yoga can melt away your love handles shortly after starting the regimen. It also maintains your lean body mass in the long run. A yoga instructor can help you with a regimen, specifically focusing on extra fat in your love handles.
  2. Pilates Fitness Regimen – Pilates are extremely beneficial exercises for your love handles. Pilates based workouts to lose love handles are easy and fun to do. To engage in the simplest Pilates exercise for losing your love handles, lie on the floor with your shoulder blades lifted off from the ground.Once you have achieved this position, bend your knees. Slowly move your arms up and down in a stretched position with every inhale and exhale. To extend the workout, place both hands on your left knee and keep your right leg extended out and upward at an angle. Do this for the left leg too, during your inhale and then move forward with another two movements during your exhale. You can do a more intense work out by keeping your hands behind your head and touching your left leg with your right elbow while keeping your knee bent. Alternate the sequence for the other side too.
  3. Aerobics to Melt Away Love Handles– Aerobic exercise is another popular choice to incorporate in your love handle workout. Aerobics are focused cardiovascular exercises that help you burn calories and reduce the overall level of fat in your body. Aerobics need not be boring while you lose you love handles as you can pick your favorite form of aerobic exercise including walking, hiking, dancing or kickboxing to melt away the concentrated fat.

In addition to adopting regular workouts to lose love handles, you must avoid processed foods, and incorporate the right lifestyle changes that work well in the long run. Nutrition related goals that keep your calorie count under check are also important when it comes to losing your love handles. In general, a balanced dit, rich in proteins and low in carbohydrates complements regular workouts.

You should also measure how successful your choice of love handle workout turned out. You can keep track of weight and waist measurements. In addition, you can also track the time and resources spent on achieving the desired results. Accountability for fitness will help you stay motivated and focused in the long run and will also contribute towards the consistent achievement of your fitness goals.

Lastly, diet and fitness modifications can have a profound impact on your overall health state depending on your history of medical conditions. Exercise regimens and diet changes can be risky. Hence, it is always advisable to consult a fitness expert or dietician. Reduction of love handles requires that you incorporate intense changes in your daily regimen. Therefore, professional advice is mandatory.

The 4 Best Love Handles Workouts to Blast away Tummy Fat and Flaunt a Lean Frame was last modified: March 6th, 2018 by
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