10 Effective Foods to Reduce Tummy Fat and Achieve Flat Abs

Just imagine how amazing it would be if you could shrink your belly with foods! Well, you can actually eat your way to a flatter abdomen if you make the right food choices and follow a few simple flat tummy tips. Consume more soluble and insoluble fibers through your foods, Substitute sodium rich foods with potassium rich foods and avoid refined sugar and alcohol. Following these simple tips can banish the bloat and help you give the perfect washboard abs. In this article we have recorded the most effective foods that can be included in the diet for a flat tummy.

Helpful Flat Tummy Tips to Reduce Belly Fat

All of us dream of having a toned belly and trim abs, but most of us lose our battle to the temptation for sugary and fatty foods or the pain of doing endless crunches and sit-ups. But following a few easy tips and eating the right foods can make it easier to achieve a flat belly.

  • Include more fiber in your diet to rule out constipation which is a leading cause of feeling bloated.
  • Eat slowing and chew your food properly so that you don’t swallow air while eating.
  • Stay away from fizzy carbonated drinks that are loaded with sugar.
  • Drink more water, lemon water and infused water.
  • Limit the consumption of packed and processed foods because they are usually high in sodium.
  • Add potassium-rich foods to your diet to reduce bloating.
  • Never skip meals, especially breakfast.
  • Eat 5 smaller meals rather than 3 big ones.

10 Effective Flat Tummy Foods to Reduce Belly Fat

Although, regular physical activity and high-intensity cardio exercises are the ultimate way to get a flat belly, but not even all the workouts of the world will be able to provide you a flat belly lest you are eating the right foods. Know the 10 best foods that should be included in your diet for a flat tummy to get washboard abs.


Lemon in any form – either with lukewarm water or squeezed into salads or boiled vegetables is a great way to reduce belly fat. Being high in pectin fiber, lemon fights hunger cravings and prevents you from munching on unhealthy snacks in between meals. It aids in maintaining the alkaline pH of the body that prevents it from storing excess fat.

In addition, it helps in flushing out toxins from the body and speeds up the process of metabolism that leads to fast calorie burning. So, make it a point to drink a glass of lukewarm water with the juice of a whole lemon every morning.


You are not eating grapefruits on a daily basis then it is high time to include it in your daily diet because research shows that those who consume 1/2 a grapefruit 3 times a day lose considerable amount of weight without making any other changes to their lifestyle.

The diet plan for a flat tummy must include grapefruit. A certain compound found in the fruit lowers the level of insulin in the body, thereby toning down the rate of fat storage. In addition, the acidic nature of grapefruit slows down the breakdown of foods in the intestine and helps you stay fuller for an extensive period and prevents food cravings. So, have ½ a grapefruit before each meal and lose up to 1 pound in 1 week.


These red and juicy vegetables are extremely low in calories and have absolutely no fat, therefore making it a worthy food to include in your weight loss diet plan.  The high content of fibers, chromium and biotin in tomatoes helps in stabilizing glucose level in the blood and eliminates the cravings for sweet treats and snacks.

The vitamins A and C found in tomatoes work as potent antioxidants that detoxify the body and removes fat from the cells and work effectively to reduce tummy fat. Include ripe and juicy tomatoes and cucumbers as a side dish in your meals to reap its weight loss benefits.

Chicken and Turkey

Including chicken and turkey in your daily diet is the ultimate answer to the question of how to get a flat tummy. Being exceptionally low in calories and high in fiber, roasted chicken or turkey helps in filling you up without adding on more calories.

In addition, it is a potent source of high-quality dietary protein that not only enhances satiety, but also promotes the body’s energy expenditure so that it burns extra calories. Boosting the amount of dietary protein reduces total body fat and especially abdominal fat and helps you achieve a flat tummy.

Olive Oil

The diet to reduce tummy fat must include olive oil. It is important to substitute other vegetable oils with extra virgin olive oil because the presence of monounsaturated fats in this oil helps in lowering the level of LDL cholesterol and increasing the level of HDL cholesterol in the blood.

Olive oil boosts up the metabolism of the body so that it burns more fat and aid in fast weight loss. In addition, the anti-inflammatory benefits of olive oil help in protecting the heart and keeping away chronic diseases. So, sprinkle some olive oil on salads and boiled vegetables as an amazing dressing.

Green Tea

Substitute other hot beverages, fruit juices and soda with refreshing green tea and reduce belly fat fast. The bioactive substances present in green tea work as a potent metabolism stimulator that speeds up the procedure of calorie burn in the body and accelerate weight loss. In addition, the antioxidants present in green tea help in preventing the absorptions of fat in the body.

The primary antioxidant EGCG found in green tea breaks down stored fat and releases it into the bloodstream so that it is used as energy. Make it a habit to drink 3 to 4 cups of green tea every day.


Legumes such as beans are one of the best plant-based sources of high-quality proteins that promote energy expenditure in the body. The proteins activate the satiety center of the brain that gives the feeling of satiety. The soluble and insoluble fibers found in legumes helps in controlling the level of cholesterol in the blood and keep you satiated for a longer period so that you don’t munch on unhealthy snacks.

It also aids in balancing the level of blood sugar and helps in staving off the craving for sugar and sweet treats. You can have beans with rice or add legumes to vegetables and curries to add a punch of protein to the dishes.


Berries of all kinds – raspberries, blackberries and blueberries are amazing foods to reduce tummy fat and achieve a flat abdomen. Berries are loaded with antioxidants and fibers and there is a direct link between antioxidants and weight loss. Studies show that those who consume higher level of antioxidants weigh less that those whose diet is low in antioxidants.

Blueberries are especially effective in reducing belly fat and also helpful for lowering cholesterol level and improving blood sugar level. Being a terrific source of fiber, berries help you in staying satiated for a longer period of time without loading up on calories. So, enjoy a cup of refreshing berries whenever you crave for a sweet treat.

Non-fat Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is gaining popularity as a healthy weight loss food because it not only helps in filling you up, but also provides high-quality protein that increases energy expenditure in the body. Regular consumption of Greek yogurt helps in burning belly fat and increases the quantity of lean muscle mass. Fat is accumulated around the waist due to the hormone cortisol.

The calcium present in Greek yogurt signals the fat cells to reduce the release of cortisol, which helps to reduce belly fat. But it is best to opt for the low-fat or non-fat options to enjoy its optimum benefits.


Salmon is included in almost all healthy diet plans because of its high omega 3 fatty acids content. But salmon is also a great source of lean protein that keeps you satisfied for a longer period and forces the body to burn more calories in digesting the proteins. It also helps in regulating the level of insulin and prevents sudden unbearable food cravings.

In addition, the natural fish oil present in salmon promotes weight loss and reduces the level of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. So, make it a point to consume 3 to 4 servings of salmon and other fatty fish every week.

So, what are you waiting for? Hit the supermarket and stock up on these foods to get the flab-free flat tummy that you always dreamt of.

10 Effective Foods to Reduce Tummy Fat and Achieve Flat Abs was last modified: April 11th, 2018 by
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