21 Best Killer Outdoor Workouts Without Equipment (30 Minutes Workouts)

Outdoor workouts are a helluva lot of fun. The sun, the fresh air and you; it’s a wonderful combination, isn’t it? And you canwork out without equipment, using just your bodyweight to burn an insane number of calories! I’m in love with short 30-minute workouts, where you just have to go all out for 30 minutes and then you are done for the day, no more boring steady-state cardio that stretches for long intermittent hours. And we get it, you are a busy person, so, you cannot spend hours on a sweat session. So, before we give you some examples of exciting thirty-minute sessions, let’s find out the best outdoor exercises.

There’s a lot you can do outside your home, especially if you feel too claustrophobic within its four walls. The fresh air outside is invigorating. It peps you up when everything else fails. Besides, the simple things in life are sometimes the most effective, like a run in the morning. With an adrenaline rush, you feel your heart thumping loudly against your chest as you cover miles with an untapped zeal. Nothing beats a good ol’ run. And it is said that you burn body fat faster when you exercise out in the sun, the only reason being your body is challenged a lot more when you exercise outside, the constant hurdles, inclines, declines have got something to do with it. Your mood will change for the better and your self-esteem will experience a steep incline as well.

So, be it in your backyard or nearby park, your outdoor workout routine will help you slim down and tone up in no time. Your beloved machines at the gym can only take you up to a limit, for the rest your body weight can help you accelerate towards your fitness goals. Also, you’ll get your daily dose of vitamin D while you work your butt off. So it’s time you forgot all about procuring a gym membership and break into a sweat with these 30-minute exciting workouts.

Outdoor Bodyweight Workouts – Best Workout Ideas

Okay, enough of talking, let’s get down to some serious work! Get the best of interval training, with this outdoor bodyweight workout and burn an insane number of calories.

Workout #1

Do the following exercises on the Tabata format. Complete the exercises in four minutes, so you alternate between 20 seconds of high intensity and 10 seconds of rest. So, for the 20 seconds, you give it you’re all and for the 10 seconds, you rest.

  1. Burpee

This is a cardio blast and fires your chest, glutes, and quads.

  • Stand with your feet with shoulder feet apart.
  • Drop down to your feet and get into push-up
  • Push your feet up and jump into your squat position.
  • Jump into the air and out your hands overhead, this makes the rep.
  • As you land, get into the next rep.
  1. Squat

This is a glute building move and fires your lower body.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and point out your feet.
  • Sit down as if you are sitting on a chair and then stand up again while you squeeze your glutes. Do this one rep after the other.
  • Maintain a flat back and do not put the focus on knees.
  1. Lateral Slide

This is a great workout as it works your glutes, quads, and hips.

  • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and bend your knees ever so slightly.
  • Now shuffle your feet and go down to reach or touch the floor with your left hand.
  • Now shuffle and jump to your right, and touch the floor with your right hand.
  • Continue moving alternatively side to side.
  1. Reverse Lunge

This works your glutes and quads, and you end up strengthening your lower body.

  • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart.
  • Step back and bend your one leg, try to kiss the floor or get to within a few inches off the ground with your knee.
  • Bend both knees so that you get into a single leg squat position.
  • Get back into the starting position and start again.
  1. Mountain Climber

Work your core and shoulders with this one. This is one great full body outdoor workout and you can do this pretty much anywhere.

  • Drop onto your flour and get into a plank position.
  • Keep your arms straight while you alternate bending your knees and bring them as close to your hands as possible.
  • Ensure that you maintain a flat back throughout the entire movement. If you want to take this a notch quicker, alternate your legs at a fast pace.
  1. Scissor Kick

Scissor kick your way to a tight core and strong hip flexors.

  • Lie on your back and place your hands beneath your butt.
  • Keeping your legs straight, lift your feet at least six inches off the floor.
  • Just like a scissor, kick your legs, bringing them to the sides and into the center.
  • Keep your legs straight throughout the movement.
  1. Spiderman

This is a compound move and works your core, obliques, and chest.

  • Lie on the floor on your stomach, get into a push-up position slightly off the ground.
  • Bend your knees and bring close to your elbows as much as possible.
  • As with every other move, the form is important, focus on maintaining a flat back throughout the movement and do not let your knees touch the ground.

 Workout no #2

The combination of cardio bursts, strength moves and ab exercises sculpt your entire body. You will end up using a majority of muscles, working them all at one and the same time. This will also increase your heart rate. These moves are highly modifiable, so you can increase your speed and also up the reps.

Don’t forget the warm-up, and do 20 reps of each and do at least five exercises continuously without rest. The warm-up would take about seven minutes total. This forms one round. After each round, you can rest for 60 seconds. Complete about 3 rounds of it. Do a warm-up, combining the jumping jacks, air squats, and plank walkouts, 30 seconds of each.

  1. Rock-Star, tuck jump, and burpee

Work your entire body with this workout,

  • Lie on your back with your face up on floor and knees towards your chest.
  • Roll forward and get into a low squat.
  • Now from a squat, jump high into tuck jump.
  • When you land, you do a quick burpee, jump with your hands in the air. Drop to the floor and do a tuck jump.

Do 20 reps of this exercise.

  1. Plyo-Sprinter Lunge

This is a killer workout that works your legs.

  • Start with your feet staggered and put your right leg forward.
  • Now, bend your feet into a lunge, while you tap your hand to the ground.
  • Jump and move your left knee towards your chest and swing your right arm forward as if you are about to run.

Do 20 reps on either side.

  1. Walking-Plank Jackknife

Get into a pushup and plank move with this one, a move that works your upper body.

  • Drop onto the floor and move into a forearm plank position.
  • Do a push up with the right arm and then left arm into a plank on palms. Jump your feet to hands and then get back into the plank position.
  • Jump feet to your hands. Return back into the plank position, drop onto your right forearm and then to the left.

Do 20 reps, alternating with each arm.

  1. Crab Kick

This exercise makes your hamstrings strong, adds strength to your triceps, also your shoulders and abdominal muscles.

  • Start in a reverse table-top position with your hands underneath shoulders and your fingers pointing towards your heels. Keep your feet flat and lift your hips.
  • Kick your right leg up, lower it and then alternatively kick with your left.
  • Do 20 reps, move quickly as if you are running.
  1. V-Up

V-Ups are great core strengthening move to work your entire core.

  • Get on to the floor with a hollow hold position.
  • Lie with your face up, keeping your lower back pressed into the floor.
  • Raise your legs a few inches above the floor, and extend your arms above the head.
  • Crunch forward and pull your legs up as you touch down,return to the start.

Do 20 reps of this killer core move.

Workout #3

For the beginner level, go for 2 X Each circuit. For the intermediate level, take it a notch higher, 3-4X each circuit. You can also increase the repetitions from 5-10. Do it 5X each circuit if you are in the advanced level. Increase your reps from 10-20. Don’t forget the warm-up before your workout and the cooldown after the workout. This outdoor workout routine is perfect for those ‘bored-easily’ mornings when you would rather feel the wind in your hair than sit on your couch.

Warm up your body and then repeat the 3-exercise circuit twice. Perform a 3-minute cooldown and include a good number of stretches as you do so.

  1. Squat

Your glutes and quads are going to thank you for this move.

  • Keep your legs shoulder-width apart and maintain a normal spine.
  • Lower your body, while you lower your knees following your toes.
  • Keep your arms behind your head, or straight in front of you or together at your chest level. Do at least 15 of these.
  1. Seated Russian Twist

Get set to work your core with this one.

  • Sit on the floor while your heels lightly touch the floor.
  • Lean your upper body backward all the while keeping your back nice and straight.
  • Bring your arms behind your head while your head rotates from side to side, keeping your spine straight.
  • You have to use your core stability here, so remember to keep your belly button pulled right in. Also, since you move your torso from one side to another, you’ll be also working your torso. Try 30 repetitions of this.
  1. Plank With Leg Lifts

You can work your entire body with this one. It works your arms, core, and back, the additional leg lifts specifically target your glutes while improving your overall posture and stability.

  • Start by placing your forearms on the ground keeping your elbows directly underneath your shoulders.
  • Form a straight line from your shoulders to your heels.
  • Keep your core tight and your glutes squeezed, bring one leg off the ground.
  • Keep it there for 3-4 seconds and then repeat the same with the other leg. Do 10 of these with each leg.
  1. Tricep Dip

It works your forearms, chest, shoulders, and lower back.

  • Sit down on your butt and place your palms on either side.
  • Push your shoulders and keep it in line with your hands.
  • Ensure that the weight of your body is focussed on your feet and palms.
  • Keep your back straight and your knees bent.
  • Start with this position.
  • Bend your elbows and lower down your body. Stay there for 1-2 seconds to feel your triceps burning and return to the starting position. Perform at least 20 reps.
  1. Curtsy Lunge

Curtsy lunges work on your inner thighs, they also work your glute medius. It is a smaller butt muscle that stabilizes the hips and improves your posture. This exercise also works on your quads, calves, hamstrings, and back.

  • Keep your feet side by side and your shoulders back.
  • Reach for your right leg back into the side, dividing equal weight on both feet.
  • Take it a notch higher by adding a hop here, lift your body a little and bring it down. Press up and get back into the starting position.
  • Do the same on the other side. Go for 10 of these on either side.
  1. Squat To Side Kick

This is a great move to work your legs and glutes, this exercises also poses a challenge to your core muscles.

  • Keep your feet hip-distance apart and knees bent.
  • Bend your legs and perform a simple squat.
  • Pull yourself up while you raise your leg to the side.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the same with your other leg.
  • This bodyweight workout needs to be done at least 15 times on either side.
  1. Pilates Roll-up

This is a great abdominal workout. It also promotes deep breathing, which increases blood flow and also improves circulation. Roll-ups also work your spine, increasing both your flexibility and alignment.

  • Sit on your butt keeping your legs together and knees bent.
  • Keep your arms straight before you, towards your toes.
  • Scoop your belly backward and curl the vertebra one at a time on the mat.
  • Keep your back flat on the mat, and slowly get back to the starting position.
  • Each roll-up should last for 10 seconds. Perform at least 10 repetitions of this.
  1. Negative Push-up

The negative push-up is a calisthenics workout that works on your chest and also works on the abs, middle back, lower back, shoulders, and triceps.

  • Get into a push-up position, tucking your hands underneath your shoulders.
  • Lower your body slightly and count to 8 until you reach the floor.
  • Rest your body on the floor for 1-2 seconds and get back to the starting position.
  • How the negative push-up differs from the usual push up is that you slowly lower your body and not push it back up as you do in the usual one. Perform this workout without equipment at least 10 times.
  1. Leaning Lunge

This is the perfect exercise to get strong glutes, toned calves, and lean hamstrings.

  • Step with one foot forward and another foot back into a lunge pose.
  • Try to push your weight through that front heel.
  • You know you have got your form right, when you look down you see your front leg’s toes.
  • Now, bend forward from your hip, bend the knee and lunge right.
  • Keep your arms right above your head.
  • Do 12 reps on either side.

Add more variety to your workout and keep your body guessing. Finally, bust that boredom bit with these outdoor workouts without equipment, it just about fills you with enthusiasm, mollycoddling you to pick up your running shoes and get out into the sun to indulge in a full-on sweat session!

21 Best Killer Outdoor Workouts Without Equipment (30 Minutes Workouts) was last modified: November 29th, 2018 by Devi Gajendran
Devi Gajendran: Devi Gajendran is a Post Graduate in Nutrition (University of Madras, Tamil Nadu) and has tons of experience in Fitness and Nutrition. She is the chief advisor and contributes to Indian Workouts website and has her final say on all the segments under fitness, workouts, weight loss and weight gain. She loves sweating it out at the gym and believes that 1 hour should be dedicated to me-time and in her case it is fitness. When not spending time at the gym she loves to listen to lilting melodies of the yesteryears.
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